Advances in sustainable aquaculture

by Aquanetwork December 04, 2023 No comments Blog, Uncategorized

Advances in sustainable aquaculture



Aquaculture, as an ever-evolving sector, has witnessed numerous innovations in its cultivation practices in recent years. These innovations have not only enhanced operational efficiency but also contributed to environmental sustainability. In this article, we will explore some of the latest trends that are revolutionizing the way we cultivate aquatic products.


1. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)

One of the most significant advances in aquaculture has been the widespread adoption of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS). These closed systems enable water recycling and purification in controlled environments, reducing reliance on large water volumes and minimizing environmental impact. We will explore how RAS not only improves the living conditions of cultivated organisms but also optimizes resource utilization.

1.1. Water use efficiency:

One notable aspect of RAS is its ability to maximize water use. Unlike conventional methods where large amounts of water are continuously used and discharged, RAS operates in a closed loop. Water is constantly recycled and purified, minimizing the need for large volumes of fresh water. This approach not only reduces the demand for water resources but also decreases the risk of contamination of the surrounding water.

1.2. Precise environmental control:

Another significant advantage of RAS is the ability to maintain precise environmental control. From temperature to water quality, parameters can be adjusted and closely monitored. This is particularly beneficial for aquatic species sensitive to environmental fluctuations. Additionally, this control allows adaptation to various conditions, facilitating the breeding of a variety of species in a single system.

1.3. Reduced environmental footprint:

The adoption of RAS contributes to the reduction of the environmental footprint of aquaculture. By minimizing water discharge and efficiently managing waste, these systems help prevent eutrophication and sediment accumulation. Furthermore, by maintaining optimal conditions for cultivated organisms, the need for medications and chemicals is reduced, promoting more sustainable production.

1.4. Space optimization:

RAS allows greater flexibility in the location of aquaculture facilities. Since they are not limited by the availability of large bodies of water, producers can establish aquaculture farms in urban areas or regions with limited water resources. This optimizes space usage and facilitates the creation of more sustainable and decentralized aquaculture operations.

1.5. Improved product quality:

The final product’s quality is also enhanced by RAS. Precise environmental control translates into optimal farming conditions, leading to more uniform growth and superior quality of cultivated organisms. This not only meets market expectations in terms of taste and texture but also strengthens producers’ positions in the industry.

In conclusion, Recirculating Aquaculture Systems represent a key innovation in contemporary aquaculture. Their ability to improve water use efficiency, maintain precise environmental control, and reduce the environmental footprint makes these systems crucial for the sustainable future of aquaculture. The widespread adoption of RAS reflects a continued commitment to more environmentally friendly practices and more efficient aquaculture production.


2. Aquaponics

Aquaponics has emerged as an innovative practice that combines fish farming with plant cultivation in a symbiotic system. We will examine how this comprehensive approach not only increases space efficiency but also creates a natural cycle where fish waste becomes nutrients for plants, and these, in turn, purify the water for fish.

2.1. How it works:

  • Fish tanks: In an aquaponic system, fish are raised in specific tanks. These fish produce organic waste, primarily ammonia, as a natural part of their metabolism.
  • Biological filtration: The water containing fish waste is directed to a biological filtration system. In this process, beneficial bacteria convert ammonia into nutrients that plants can absorb, such as nitrates and nitrites.
  • Plant growing beds: The filtered water is pumped to plant growing beds, where plant roots take advantage of the nutrients present in the water. This process not only nourishes the plants but also acts as a water purification system for the fish.
  • Plant growth: Plants thrive by absorbing nutrients directly from the water. This aquatic environment provides plants with a constant supply of nutrients, accelerating their growth and enhancing their development.
  • Return of filtered water: The purified water returns to the fish tanks, closing the cycle. This circular system creates a natural and sustainable balance where fish waste becomes nutrients for plants, and plants purify the water for fish.

2.2. Benefits of aquaponics:

  • Water use efficiency: Aquaponics significantly uses less water compared to traditional aquaculture and agriculture methods.
  • Dual production: It allows simultaneous production of fish and plants in the same system, maximizing yield in limited space.
  • Environmental sustainability: By recycling and reusing water, aquaponics reduces environmental impact and minimizes waste discharge.
  • Natural nutrient cycle: Establishes a natural cycle where fish waste turns into nutrients for plants, creating a balanced system.

Aquaponics represents a significant innovation in aquaculture practices by providing a sustainable and efficient alternative that can adapt to various environments and production needs.


3. Automated Monitoring Technologies

The introduction of automated monitoring technologies has transformed the daily management of aquaculture operations. From sensors that monitor water quality to algorithm-based automated feeding systems, we will examine how these innovations not only improve productivity but also optimize operations, enhance the health of aquatic organisms, and ensure more sustainable production.

3.1. Water quality sensors:

  • Temperature sensors: Automatic sensors monitor water temperature in real-time. This is crucial, as thermal variations can significantly impact the health of aquatic organisms.
  • Dissolved oxygen sensors: The concentration of dissolved oxygen is essential for the health of fish and other organisms. Automated sensors ensure constant monitoring, alerting to possible variations.
  • pH meters: Maintaining appropriate pH levels is crucial. Automatic sensors offer precise measurements and alert about changes that could negatively affect aquatic organisms.
  • Salinity sensors: Controlling salinity is vital in aquatic environments. Automated sensors help maintain ideal conditions for cultivated species.

3.2. Fish activity monitoring:

  • Underwater cameras: Strategically placed cameras allow observation of fish behavior. Image analysis algorithms can detect anomalies or signs of stress.
  • Acoustic tracking devices: Use acoustic technology to track the location and movement of fish. This is particularly valuable in marine cages or extensive breeding systems.

3.3. Biomass monitoring:

  • Imaging technologies: Using advanced imaging, biomass can be estimated through density and size analysis, providing crucial information for cultivation management.

3.4. External indicators of animal welfare:

  • Imaging technologies: By using images and advanced analysis, it is possible to accurately determine the intensity and distribution of certain indicators of animal welfare in a population of farmed fish. This includes identifying possible skin wounds, which could signal mechanical damage or early indicators of an infectious disease affecting the fish’s skin.
  • Physiological parameter monitoring: Sensors measuring physiological parameters such as heart rate and body temperature provide a deeper understanding of animal welfare.

3.5. Automated feeding systems:

  • Automatic feeders: Equipped with sensors, these devices dispense food accurately and on a programmed schedule. This not only improves feeding efficiency but also allows personalized feeding based on the needs of each group of fish.
  • Waste collection control: Sensors in the waste collection system automate the efficient removal of waste, improving water quality and reducing environmental impact.

3.6. Benefits of automated monitoring technologies:

  • Optimization of environmental parameters: Automatically adjusts environmental parameters to maintain ideal conditions.
  • Early alerts: Rapidly detects and notifies of any abnormal changes, allowing quick responses to potential issues.
  • Operational efficiency: Reduces manual intervention, saving time and resources, and enhances overall aquaculture efficiency.
  • Improved health and growth of organisms: Allows precise adjustment of environmental conditions and feeding, promoting optimal health and growth of aquatic organisms.

The implementation of automated monitoring technologies represents a significant step toward more efficient, sustainable, and adaptable aquaculture, ensuring an optimal balance between production and environmental care.


4. Sustainable aquaculture feed

The landscape of aquaculture has undergone a significant transformation due to a progressive focus on the development of sustainable feeds. Below, we will review how innovations in this area are reshaping traditional practices, with a special emphasis on alternatives to fishmeal and fish oil, and applied technologies to enhance the nutritional and physical quality of feeds.

4.1. Alternatives to fishmeal:

  • Insect-and microbial-based proteins: The use of proteins derived from insects and single-cell represents a valuable alternative, offering a nutrient-rich source with less pressure on marine resources.
  • Algae as a nutritional source: Incorporating algae into the fish diet not only diversifies protein sources but also provides unique nutritional benefits, including essential fatty acids and other beneficial compounds.

4.2. Alternatives to fish oil:

  • Plant-based oils: Plant-based oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids can serve as viable alternatives to traditional fish oil in aquaculture feeds. These oils are derived from various plant sources and offer a sustainable solution to reduce dependence on marine resources.
  • Microbial oil: Oils produced by microorganisms, such as certain types of algae and bacteria, can provide omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients. Harnessing microbial oil as a substitute for fish oil contributes to sustainability in aquaculture practices.

4.3. Technologies for sustainable feed development:

  • Specific nutritional supplements: The application of tailor-made nutritional supplements ensures a balanced offering of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients, enhancing the health and performance of aquatic organisms.
  • Advanced extrusion technologies: Advanced extrusion not only enables the creation of feeds with specific textures but also facilitates the incorporation of enriched ingredients and additives, improving palatability and acceptance.
  • Physical quality monitoring: Online monitoring systems ensure the proper granulometry of feeds, ensuring a homogeneous distribution and efficient intake by fish.

4.4. Contribution to the preservation of marine resources:

  • Local raw material development: The integration of technologies extends beyond the feeding process, encompassing the production of raw materials locally, reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation.
  • Reducing pressure on marine resources: By diversifying protein sources and improving feeding efficiency, these practices directly contribute to the preservation of marine resources, mitigating overexploitation.


5. Global approach to sustainable aquaculture

The combination of alternatives to fishmeal, advanced technologies in feed development, and the integration of sustainable practices not only redefines feeding in aquaculture but also establishes a global approach to a more sustainable and ethical industry. These innovations not only benefit aquatic organisms but also pave the way for aquaculture that harmonizes with marine ecosystems and positively contributes to the overall well-being of the planet.

In conclusion, the development of sustainable feeds has been a key focus area in modern aquaculture. The exploration of alternatives to fishmeal, coupled with advanced technologies, not only ensures the health and growth of aquatic organisms but also aligns with the industry’s commitment to environmental sustainability and ethical production.


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